Here is a (non exhaustive) list of talks given over the past years.

  • November 2023 - Learning Dynamical Systems with Efficient Kernel Methods (Grenoble, France)
  • September 2023 - Efficient Kernel Quadratures via Leverage Scores Sampling (Bari, Italy)
  • ModML 2023 - Sketching Methods for Large-Scale Statistical Learning (Summer School, Genova, Italy)
  • 12 September 2022 − Differentially Private Compressive Learning (Statistical Learning and Differential Privacy Workshop, Bath, UK)
  • 22 January 2021 − Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Compressive Learning (Genova, Italy)
  • 19 November 2020 − Phd Defense. [Slides].
  • 19 May 2020 − Short talk on kernel scale learning for compressive clustering, following our iTWIST 2020 submission (Online). [Slides].
  • 8 January 2019 − Security days at IRISA, Rennes, France. [Slides].
  • 4-6 September 2018Deep Learning workshop at Technicolor, Rennes, France. [Slides].
  • 1-7 July 2018 − I attended the 13th edition of the Peyresq summer school, and gave a quick talk on using message passing for sketched clustering [Slides].